Numbers Never Tell the Whole Story.

Chicago Bears running back Walter Payton was undeniably one of the NFL’s most talented individual players of all time.  His ability to generate yards despite the circumstances — to elude tacklers with deceptive speed and agility — made him nothing short of a legend. While most

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Turned Into a Testing Machine.

Testing on my mind tonight and I’m cranky.  Shocker, right?   <sarcasm>That NEVER happens here on the Radical.</sarcasm> That’s what happens when May rolls around and my days are filled with fears about whether or not I’ll get through my entire curriculum in time to

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Good News: Missileers are Cheating Too.

So how many of all y’all have heard about the cheating scandal that’s ripping the Air Force apart right now? Turns out that the 500 men and women charged with monitoring, managing and (hopefully never) launching our nation’s nuclear weapons are tested three times a

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The Intellectual Equivalent of Really Bad Tattoos?

MEMORANDUM To: The North Carolina Legislature From: Bill Ferriter – 6th Grade Classroom Teacher Date: January 4, 2014 RE: Introducing Competition to the Teacher Evaluation Process – – – – – – – – – – – Dear Honorable Leaders of our State Legislature, As

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