Reminder: Our Kids ≠ Their Scores

Chances are that if you are a regular Radical reader, you are a practicing educator, right? And if that’s true, chances are that you are either in the middle of giving standardized tests to your students OR just getting back the results of this year’s

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Your Bar Graphs Don’t Impress (or Inspire) Me.

Years ago when we were Racing to the Top and Leaving No Child Behind, a district leader of a professional development session for language arts teachers that I was sitting in asked participating teams to share their greatest accomplishment from the previous school year. He

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Are School Letter Grades a Form of Institutional Racism?

All y’all that know me have probably figured out that I find it darn near impossible to hide my disdain for North Carolina’s hard-right legislature. Since rising to power over the past five to seven years, they’ve spent the majority of their time together pushing through

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First Comes Achievement. Then Comes Confidence.

A few weeks back, I wrote a bit here on the Radical titled Are Grades Destroying My Six Year Old Kid.  In it, I shared the story of my daughter — who came home broken one day because her progress report wasn’t what she expected

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