What Economists Don’t Understand About Educators

In yet another example of economists churning out crappy research that will have a negative impact on #edupolicy, Harvard professor Roland Fryer and Freakonomics co-author and University of Chicago professor Steven Levitt recently released a study touting the #edupower of "loss aversion" merit pay programs.

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Why I NEVER Recommend Teaching as a Profession

I came to pretty startling realization this week, y'all:  If I had it to do all over again, I'm pretty darn sure that I wouldn't choose teaching as a profession. Don't get me wrong: I still love working with students.  #alwayshave #alwayswill Knowing that each

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Need MORE Proof that Incentive Programs are Dangerous?

If you’ve read the Radical for any length of time, you’ll know that I pretty much despise the carrot-and-stick approach to managing teachers and students that seems to be all the rage in education right now (see here, here and here). What’s completely wild is

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Note to Arne: Cash Incentives NEVER Work

So I don't have a ton of time to write today — I'm sitting in an airport on the way home from Solution Tree's Authorspeak conference and am about to board a flight home to my family — but I had to get something off

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