What’s Good for the Goose, Mr. Berger….

North Carolina Senator Phil Berger might just be one of the most hypocritical political leaders in a legislature that is sadly FULL of hypocrites.  His single-minded goal for the past year has been to introduce elements of competition to the teacher pay scale (see here and

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Teaching is a Grind.

Blogger’s Note:  The Center for Teaching Quality is planning a major initiative for Teacher Appreciation Week (May 5-9) that is designed to raise awareness about the complexities of the teaching profession.  Called the #TeachingIs project, I’m sure that it’s bound to be a wonderful celebration

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Good News: Missileers are Cheating Too.

So how many of all y’all have heard about the cheating scandal that’s ripping the Air Force apart right now? Turns out that the 500 men and women charged with monitoring, managing and (hopefully never) launching our nation’s nuclear weapons are tested three times a

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The Straw.

Cranky Blogger Warning:  I’m exhausted, y’all.  And sad.  That means this post is probably more emotion than it is logic.  I won’t apologize for that — it is a part of who I am — but it also means that I might just feel differently

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