Turned Into a Testing Machine.

Testing on my mind tonight and I’m cranky.  Shocker, right?  

<sarcasm>That NEVER happens here on the Radical.</sarcasm>

That’s what happens when May rolls around and my days are filled with fears about whether or not I’ll get through my entire curriculum in time to give my kids a fighting chance at remembering the tidbits of knowledge that MIGHT be covered on our 35 question, high stakes multiple choice exam.

Teaching will suffer this month.  Learning will suffer this month.  The intellectual curiosity of my kids will suffer this month.  My professional satisfaction and sense of efficacy will suffer this month.

All in the name of accountability.


Made me think of a quote I picked up from a Joe Bower blog post:

(Download image and view original image citation on Flickr here)



Related Radical Reads:

Convinced that Testing Has Harmed Schools?  You’re Not the Only One.

Is Standardized Testing Changing Me for the Worse?

How Testing Will Change What I Teach Next Year.

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